由卡欧利·乌梅萨罗执导、汇聚莫妮卡·巴尔赛等优秀演员阵容的自杀X档案,将2018 年度其它 语系与 其它 文化完美交融,带来一场与众不同的视觉和听觉盛宴。
影片所呈现的Would you believe in a policewoman who suffers from such serious panic disorders that she is afrai仅仅是个引子,真正的故事魅力还需从Would you believe in a policewoman who suffers from such serious panic disorders that she is afraid to get close to any crime scene and has been on permanent office duty for more than a decade Would you believe a lone mother who is unfit to pay her mortgage and also raise her rebellious teenage daughter Indeed, no one believes that the troubled ex-detective has discovered a serial murder case. Personal dramas and a murder mystery unfold in present-day Budapest, where demonstrations are part of the pre-election life of a city still trying to cope with the shadows of its historical and recent past. It is a city where nothing seems honest and true, except through the eyes of an emotionally unstable policewoman and her misfit daughter who wants to know who her father truly was. 入围第32届华沙电影节新导演单元中细细品味——不论是扣人心弦的剧情设计,还是对于人性、情感、社会话题的探讨,都给人留下颇为深刻的印象。同时,导演在幕后方面也注入了大量巧思,让整部作品更加耐人寻味。
如果你对电影 或 惊悚,犯罪,恐怖 题材情有独钟,《自杀X档案》无疑是一个不容错过的选择。欢迎走进它的世界,感受时长约的宏大篇章,在这里,你将邂逅惊喜、震撼与思考。
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