由Agustí,Villaronga执导、汇聚玛丽贝尔·马丁,丽莎·杰勒德,Enrique,Saldana,露西娅·波塞,David,Sust,玛丽·卡里略,昆特·迈斯纳,Heidi,Ben,Amar,Lydia,Azzopardi等优秀演员阵容的月孩,将1989 年度其它 语系与 西班牙 文化完美交融,带来一场与众不同的视觉和听觉盛宴。
影片所呈现的Since ancient times, a tribe on the African continent has been prophesying that a white boy will a仅仅是个引子,真正的故事魅力还需从Since ancient times, a tribe on the African continent has been prophesying that a white boy will arrive to be their god the Son of the Moon. David, a 12-year-old orphan who lives in Europe, learns about the prophecy and believes that he is the chosen child and that destiny must be fulfilled at any cost. Before David can fulfill his prophecy he must escape the heavily guarded scientific organization that has adopted him. David's strange behavior and the fact that he possesses extrasensory perception, has attracted the attention of an organization researching so-called prodigious beings in the occult tradition. David soon discovers that their goal is to channel the moon's energy into a child yet to be born, robbing him of his rightful place as the Son of the Moon. Two women, Victoria, a member of the center, and Georgina, the future mother of the supposed moonchild, will help David fulfill his destiny. After several attempts David manages to escape the center and undergoes a series of new experiences love, adventure, supernatural events and even death. David is relentlessly pursued, pushing him further towards his goal, towards Africa where his fate awaits him.中细细品味——不论是扣人心弦的剧情设计,还是对于人性、情感、社会话题的探讨,都给人留下颇为深刻的印象。同时,导演在幕后方面也注入了大量巧思,让整部作品更加耐人寻味。
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